Consultancy Service

Consultancy service for electroplating plant setupg-groups is providing electroplating consultancy services, which are designed to provide businesses with the expertise, guidance, and support they need to optimise their electroplating processes and achieve their production goals. Our team of experts has extensive experience in electroplating technology, chemistry, and process optimisation, and is committed to delivering customised solutions that meet the specific needs of each client.

Our consultancy services include:

  • Process plant designing: We work closely with our client to evaluate their needs of production and products, by these all data collection we design the plant area, size, processes and unit costs of production.  
  • Process sequence evaluation and optimisation: We work closely with our clients to evaluate their current electroplating processes and identify areas for improvement. We then develop customised solutions to optimise the process, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.
  • Chemical selection and optimisation: We provide guidance on the selection and optimisation of electroplating chemicals, helping our clients choose the right chemicals for their specific needs and ensuring that they are being used in the most effective and efficient manner.
  • Equipment evaluation and selection: We evaluate our clients’ equipment needs and provide guidance on the selection and optimisation of equipment, including tanks, rectifiers, and other electroplating equipment.
  • Regulatory compliance: We help our clients navigate the complex regulatory landscape surrounding electroplating, ensuring that they are compliant with all relevant regulations and standards.
  • Training and education: We provide training and education on electroplating technology, chemistry, and process optimisation, helping our clients develop the skills and knowledge they need to achieve their production goals.

Overall, our electroplating consultancy services are designed to help businesses achieve their electroplating production goals while reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and ensuring regulatory compliance. We are committed to providing personalised and customised solutions that meet the specific needs of each client.